Latest News

July 03, 2018

Tactiv Approved as a Supplier on UK Government...

Tactiv is now an approved G-Cloud supplier to the UK public sector.

Product Updates

June 15, 2018

Connect Contacts to Workflows, Communications and Reporting in...

Contract management is a collaborative effort between individuals, organisations and staff. Better managing reporting, relationships, contract roles and security is made easy by connecting CRM contacts with contract management in...

Product Updates

May 18, 2018

5 Steps to Streamline Document Management with Enquire

Contract document management is a vital step in streamlining administration on contracts. Enquire facilitates efficient best practice processes that enhance transparency, accountability and deliver a professional result for all stakeholders....

Press and Media

May 11, 2018

Contract and Grant Management Software Supports Impact Investment...

As a leading software solutions provider to the Government, NFP and NGO sectors, Tactiv is heading to Singapore as a principle sponsor to work with organisations involved in philanthropy and...

Latest News

April 24, 2018

Making Governments Future Ready

APAC CIOOutlook Magazine includes Tactiv as a Top 25 Government Technology Solution Provider in 2018.

Product Updates

April 05, 2018

Contract Templates Bring Order to Projects in Enquire

Enquire templates can be configured to generate standardised documentation that integrates contract templates into the relevant lifecycle stage of a project to streamline business processes.

Product Updates

March 05, 2018

Easily Manage Grant Assessments with Enquire

The assessment stage of a grant round is quite often the busiest time for program managers. Enquire grant management lifecycle software makes complex assessment business processes simple and efficient.

Product Updates

February 01, 2018

Streamlined Grant Project Task Reporting Pays Off

Effective and efficient task management based on accurate and timely project data improves grant administration, reporting and budget management. For grant recipients payments often rely on reporting tasks.

Product Updates

December 12, 2017

Empower Your Grant Application and Assessment Management

Enquire Grantcycle Management features easily configurable options to configure business processes and respond rapidly, all without the need for expensive custom coding or system redevelopment.

Latest News

December 04, 2017

Yes, Reporting Can Be Fast and Easy

Everyone tasked with reporting knows it can be a major undertaking and wishes it was easier. Timelines arrive quickly and demands only increase. New regulations, compliance requirements and accountability for...

Product Updates

November 05, 2017

Manage Variations and Reporting for Grants

Enquire's Variation and Reporting options through the client portal eliminates offline processes or duplicating data to improve how you manage project variations and progress reports.

Latest News

October 31, 2017

Dedicated Login Page for Enquire Clients

Tactiv introduces a dedicated login page for secure, easy and fast access to Enquire as we continue to grow and work to improve our services to our clients.

Latest News

October 23, 2017

Tactiv Launches Next Generation Enquire Grant, Contract and...

With a new website Tactiv showcases the new Enquire™ platform, defining the future of enterprise software.

Product Updates

October 08, 2017

How to Keep your Data Clean with Enquire

Enquire offers a range of options to help manage the quality of data being captured by your organisation and increase efficiency of data processing.

Latest News

October 03, 2017

Five Ways to Reduce Support Costs for Online...

With up to 90% of post submission support requests related to simple issues like resetting passwords, updating contact details or trying to get a status update, implementing simple best practices...

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