Manage Project Outputs More Easily Than Ever in Enquire

An important part of project management software is tracking the quantifiable measures, key performance indicators and Outputs.

Enquire’s new Project Outputs user interface makes managing project outputs with tracking and progress measures easier to configure.

An important part of project management software is tracking the quantifiable measures, key performance indicators and Outputs. Our interface facelift has created a simple, intuitive and inductive method, to assist you to effectively manage your project measures or performance indicators online.

The new table layout uses white space to keep the page clean for easy readability. The new action buttons are centrally located and easily identifiable for quick addition and actions.

Project Output titles display clearly with the Standard Output codes linking to further detailed information. Clients can quickly peruse the table to view duration and status of a particular project output for smoother project management. Did you know you can sort the table by clicking on the header title?

Manage project outputs more easily than ever before with Enquire project management.

For more information on Enquire’s newly released project performance and financial management features contact the Tactiv Help Desk or call us on +61 7 3846 1555.

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