Results reporting based on setting, monitoring and measuring indicators, outputs and outcomes is crucial for communicating the impact of a funding program. This provides an understanding of the program’s goals and successes to investors and stakeholders, program managers, volunteers and beneficiaries.
The more engagement and understanding all parties have the better chances of a positive outcome and when necessary, improvements can be put in place quickly to ensure funding is spent most effectively.
Reporting on outputs; on outcomes achieved and measuring impact is easily done in Enquire using a 3-step process.
Step 1 – Identify the “Outputs” or “Outcomes” you want to achieve
In the non-for-profit world, outputs are deliverables such as programs, training, and workshops; outcomes are the transfer of knowledge and change of behaviour.
Outputs tell the story what was produced. Outcomes address the value and impact of the investment. Enquire provides the ability for each organisation to capture both outputs and outcomes.
When defining outcomes, depending on the planning horizon required, staff can define short-term, medium or long-term outcomes. Stakeholders can identify intended outcomes against activities or programs of work.
As an example, a program manager identifies the outcome for a given program – Improving knowledge, skills and basic education.
Step 2 – Setup indicators to measure progress towards achieving your Outputs and Outcomes
To measure whether outputs or outcomes are achieved, indicators are used to track progress. Indicators can be both qualitative and quantitative.
Enquire supports using standardised metrics that can be specific to your organisation or align to global standards such as IRIS as managed by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) or the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
In our example from Step 1, to track progress on Improving knowledge, skills and basic education, a program manager can set up a range of indicators to measure progress for this outcome. As an example this may include Pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of Primary – Male and Female combined. In capturing this information, the program manager is also able to identify baseline information for each indicator to provide the ability to measure trend and impact over future years.
Step 3 – Plan and Record Delivery
Once Indicators have been identified, program managers can then easily identify targets and record actuals for all their indicators as either managed internally or delivered by external delivery agents.
This systematic approach not only ensures indicators, outputs and outcomes are aligned to support results reporting but also supports program managers remain focused on planning, monitoring and managing the critical activities to deliver outcomes effectively.
The ability to plan targets and report on actual deliverables enables staff to review progress and reforecast future activity effectively. Results reporting deliver the key information needed by all stakeholders to support decision making on what needs to happen next.
Results reporting is highly configurable with Enquire and aims to simplify the most complex scenarios for all clients.
If you have any questions regarding results reporting with Enquire contact the Tactiv Client Support Services today!