Workflow comments improve collaboration in your project reporting
In the client portal
Enquire’s Next Gen workflows support greater collaboration and engagement with your funding recipients and other external stakeholders. Client reporting has been enable your funding recipients to comment on their reporting forms. This way, questions can be answered and feedback delivered within the reporting form itself. Additionally, comments can be made against specific questions or items in a form, including read only items.
These benefits also improve the experience of the funding team, who are now able to request additional feedback from their funding recipients. For example, it is common for funding recipients to lodge client reports with incomplete information, such as unclear delivery summaries in their milestone reporting. Administrators are now able to attach comments to individual steps or questions in the form before sending it for amendment. Therefore, funding recipients can see exactly where more information has been requested. Better yet, they only need to click the comment to be taken to the exact point that the additional data is required. This greatly enhances the speed at which funding recipients re-submit their reports, as they are seamlessly guided to each flagged comment.
In the management portal
In the management portal, administrators also have access to additional features. Examples are adding comments to the same form for internal collaboration or providing external comments when sending project update requests or client reports back for amendment. Additionally, comments made against the user defined components in your forms can also be filtered on. Consequently, this adds an extra level of refinement to your project specific reporting. These workflow features also make it easy to see who is responsible for each step, using roles-based associations.
Next Gen Workflows are also enhancing document management
The Enquire Next Gen workflows also enhance document management and contract variation. Management is now able to generate contracts and send them to the client portal for users to download. They can then be re-uploaded with tracked changes, re-uploaded with signatures, and submitted. Enquire manages the versioning of each upload and variation during this process. This results in time-savings and a fully auditable version history log in system. Once again, the comment pane on the right allows for administrators and funding recipients to exchange contextual comments. Also additional information relevant to the contract negotiation, or other document process can be shared here. This added functionality centralises correspondence and minimises the need for messaging outside of the Enquire system.
As illustrated in this screenshot, the workflow details card contains key information on the progress of steps, and who is assigned for each action. Once again, this increases accountability for each process. Additionally, the assigned user for each step receives an alert in their upcoming activities card reminding them to action the item. This streamlines the document management process by ensuring documents are uploaded and received by external parties and internal team members in a timely manner.
Uploaded documents can be sent for amendment, which returns them to the client portal for negotiation, correction, or other changes. Alternatively, an accepted document will be reconciled and saved against the project record. The workflow will also keep track of the upload count against each document submitted. This makes it easy for you and your team to review changes made before any data is committed to the system.
Let’s make your project reporting processes more collaborative
We are excited to continue rolling out these new workflows features to other Enquire processes in the future. Are you a current Enquire user interested in exploring this feature further for your organisation? Or are you a new user wishing to explore the workflow functionality?
Contact us below to schedule a personalised demo or try it yourself with the Enquire product tours.